Presentations and Resources

September 16, 2015 (Wednesday)

Globalization: Who’s Winning? Who’s Losing?

Sally Shortall Presentation
Kelly Vodden Presentation



September 17, 2015 (Thursday)

Keynote Speakers

Indigenous Perspectives of Building Community Resilience (Daniel Pottle, Minister of Finance, Human Resources and Information Technology, Government of Nunatsiavut) 

Shey Conover (Island Institute, Maine)

Maura Walsh (IRD Duhallow, Ireland)

Concurrent Session 1A Sustainable Employment

Commuters and communities: How employment mobility affects community development in source communities (Barrett)

Building a S.A.F.E, Bioregional Economy (Ferraro)

Beyond conventional economies: A supernatural offering (Kumar)

Concurrent Session 1B Resilience through Culture and Heritage

Three stories of Summerside’s cultural resilience (Ellis, Kenny & representative from the Acadian community)

Utilizing creative human capital to stimulate economic development while broadening support for the creators (artists) (Proctor)

Concurrent Session 1C Climate Change

Community resilience and resistance in the shadow of offshore fossil fuel development (Jeffrey)

Linking community conservation and livelihoods: Applying a social-ecological systems lens (Charles)

L’adaptation au changement climatique: Le defi de la gouvernance locale dans le territoire de Cocagne, Grand-Digue, Dundas (Harouna & Chouinard)

Concurrent Session 1D Fishing, Farming

Local innovation and initiative to strengthen owner-operator policy and build resilient and equitable fisheries access rights (Barnett, Messenger & Wiber)

Fishing for the future: How coastal and island fishing communities in Maine and Newfoundland remain in place (Thomas)

FarmWorks – providing community-based capital for farms and food (Best)

Concurrent Session 1E Rural Vitality

Rural Vitality – South Kerry, Ireland (O’Keeffe)

Rural Vitality – Nova Scotia (Gibson)

Helping women get on TRACK: Building resiliency through a Business Mentoring Program for PEI Women Entrepreneurs (McGowan & Bell)

Concurrent Session 2A Local Government Panel

New realities of local government: Perspectives from Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nova Scotia (Pollett, MacDonald & Dewey)

New realities of local government: Newfoundland and Labrador (Pollett)

Nova Scotia Realities (MacDonald)

Concurrent Session 2B Art and Community Development

Process and product: Writing a Public Art Policy for a small rural community (Borsos)

Commodification of Islandness (Brinklow)

The artisans of Crawford Bay (Smith)

Concurrent Session 2C Water, Energy and Waste

Losing One Battle and Gaining a Community: How the Coalition for the Protection of PEI Water Came to Be (O’Brien)

Building resilience: (new) regionalism, drinking water, and infrastructure (Breen)

Planning the resilient community: The case for using green infrastructure as a foundation (Kraehling)

Concurrent Session 2D International Perspectives on Farming

Is environmental stewardship in conflict with farm financial management? (Mahone, MacLean & Landman)

From policy to action – Renewable energy in Samsø, Denmark (Plourde)

Polanyi in Punjab: How young farmers are responding to the agricultural and youth crises (Shandal)

Concurrent Session 2E Rural Youth

Reversing the trend: lessons learned from young in-migrants in two rural communities in Nova Scotia (MacMichael)

Vibrancy and resiliency – through youth-led social and economic and social innovations (Kevany, Jamieson & Gay)

La mobilité des jeunes, levier de développement rural!/Youth mobility, rural development leverage! (Vigneault)

It takes a child to raise a community (Daggett)


September 18, 2015 (Friday)

Building Sustainable Communities Slemon Park Panel

Shawn McCarvill – President, Slemon Park Corporation

Basil Stewart – former Mayor, City of Summerside

Stephen Stewart – Director, Business Development, Vector Aerospace Engine Services Atlantic

Edgar MacLeod – Executive Director, Atlantic Police Academy and the Canadian Centre of Public Safety Excellence

Richard Pettipas – Public school teacher and long term resident of Slemon Park

Concurrent Session 3A Governance, Regions, and Development

Transition to convivial degrowth on PEI (Thomson)

Building communities with new rural regions in Manitoba (Ashton & Kelly)

Raumpioniere – lights in the nowhere, parallel universes or rescuer of the rural regions (Denhe)

Sustaining resilience – an individual and municipality perspective on refugee migration into rural areas (Stenbacka)

Concurrent Session 3B Tourism and Culture

Can tourism contribute to social-environmental resilience? Benefits and challenges of tourism mobility in Newfoundland and Labrador (Stoddart, Catano & Ramos)

White steed and dark horse: Resident views of tourism in rural areas (Helgadóttír & Nordbø)

“Idea tourism” – Modeling a social and human capital tourism product (Pollak)

Concurrent Session 3C Partnership for Canada-Caribbean Community Climate Change Adaptation

Fostering resilience in coastal communities in the context of climate change (Peach Brown)

A progressive approach to climate change adaptation in PEI First Nation communities (Angus)

Assessing climate change risks to insurability in coastal communities (Hope, Minano, Thistlethwaite & Scott)

Placed-based or sector based adaptation planning in coastal regions: the co-benefits of integrating municipal adaptation plans with fisheries policy in Nova Scotia, Canada (Khan, Charles & Armitage)

Design charrettes: an approach to community climate change adaptation in Charlottetown, PEI (Khirfan)

Exploring the suitability of the Harbour Authority governance system to facilitate effective climate change adaptation (Brown, Armitage, Peach Brown & Charles)

Concurrent Session 3D Community Development

“Our Islands Our Future” – An example of purposeful opportunism (Jennings)

Un nouveau rôle pour les élus dans les collectivités rurales : soutenir l’émergence d’une nouvelle gouvernance locale (Jean)

Results of a critical examination of New Regionalism in the Canadian context (Vodden)

Concurrent Session 3E Language and Identity

“Tha fhios agamsa dè am bealach far an tigea’ tu ’staigh.” (‘Remembering the way ahead’): Place, personhood, loss and the hope for gain among Cape Breton’s Gaels (Falzett)

Language and cultural resurgence in the face of settler colonialism (Julian)

Nikma’jtut Apoqnmatultinej: Reclaiming indigeneity via ancestral wisdom and new ways of thinking (George)

Concurrent Session 4A Rural Education

Building resilience through innovative education/community projects (Kennedy)

Educating them to stay: the role of education in strengthening island communities (Fürst)

“Well, for one thing kids got a lot of freedom”: The policy implications of changing notions of childhood in rural Newfoundland (Porter)

Concurrent Session 4B ICT and Microfinance

Rural communities are not realizing the potential of the Internet – can today’s youth flip the script? (Kelly & Ashton)

Empowering community through micro-grant funding (Doyle)

Resilient e-community initiatives and partnerships in remote and rural First Nations (Beaton)

Concurrent Session 4C Enhancing Local and Social Economy

Social enterprise policy and practice: Opportunities and challenges in rural Ontario – peer learning (Ferguson)

The informal economy: A catalyst for economic development in Caribbean SIDS (Chadwick-Parkes)

Festivals as a catalyst for social and economic change in small rural communities (Stephenson)

Concurrent Session 4D Food Security

Food security – Grassroots initiatives on PEI (Howard)

Concurrent Session 4E Local Government and Data

A systems perspective on local government fiscal resilience (Johnson & Fannin)

Changing the tide: New local government programming (Parewick)

Big data for small places (Rogers)

Concurrent Session 5A Innovation

Advancing Innovation on the Periphery: Insights from Newfoundland and Labrador (Hall)

Working Together to Close the Innovation Skills Gap in Rural Firms (Walsh)

Innovation in Manitoba’s food-processing sector: untold rural successes (Ashton)

Concurrent Session 5B Sports and Rural Resilience

“Hidden hubs”: Understanding the role of rural curling clubs in building community resilience (Mair)

The Trout Creek Community Centre: A space for sport, recreation, and resiliency (Rich & Misener)

Challenges for planning of resilient mountain resort communities (Cassel)

Concurrent Session 5C Climate Change

Exploring Environmental Governance in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Clancy & Levesque)

Transfer of knowledge and mutual learning on the Canadian Atlantic coast (Chouinard)

Building adaptive capacity and climate change resiliency in rural communities (Kotak)

Concurrent Session 5D Resilience Planning

Collaboration in rural regions: Policy and practice, promises and pitfalls (Devlin)

Scenario planning as a method for imagining rural municipal futures (Finseth & Hallstrom)

University-based researchers supporting rural and remote community resiliency: the First Nations Innovation project (O’Donnell)

Concurrent Session 5E Community Engagement

Community college/university engagement: Illustrations from BC, SK, NL, and PEI (Fürst, MacDonald, Hall & Randall)

Contributions to Community by the Institute of Island Studies, UPEI (Randall)